Who we are?

Welcome to Sponsorld, where innovation meets opportunity in the dynamic world of collaborations. Founded with the vision to revolutionize the way brands and creators connect, Sponsorld is more than just a platform; it's a catalyst for meaningful partnerships.

Our Story

In a world where social media marketing is becoming more and more popular

The right collaborations can turn ideas into reality. That’s why we saw an opportunity to simplify and enhance the process of finding and securing sponsorships. Sponsorld was born from a desire to create a transparent, efficient, and mutually beneficial ecosystem for businesses and content creators.

By harnessing the power of technology, we've built a platform that is turning partnerships deals from complicated communication to simple clicks.

Our Mission

Our mission is simple:

To empower every brand and creator with the opportunity to thrive through strategic partnerships. We believe in the power of collaboration and are dedicated to providing solutions that are innovative, user-friendly, and impactful.

Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage.

Our Values

In a world where social media marketing is becoming more and more popular

  • β€’ Innovation: We're constantly exploring new ways to improve our platform and services, ensuring we stay at the forefront of the sponsorship industry.
  • β€’ Transparency: Honesty and clarity are at the heart of everything we do. We strive for openness in our processes, building trust with our users.
  • β€’ Collaboration: We believe in the strength of partnerships and the incredible results that can come from working together.
  • β€’ Impact: More than just connecting brands with random creators, we aim to match them perfectly, contributing positively to communities and industries.

Meet Our Team

We are a team of experienced people.

Stoyan Ramalchanov
Kremena Kasabova
Valentin Banov

Join Us

At Sponsorld, we're more than a platform; we're a community of innovators, creators, and visionaries.

Join us as we redefine the landscape of collaborations, one partnership at a time. Discover the power of connection and let's create a future where every business and content creator can shine brighter together.

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